Charleston, WV 25311
(304) 951-9297
Michael Haid, Executive Director
National Society of Professional Engineers - WV
National Society of Professional Engineers – West Virginia is the only engineering society that represents individual engineers across all disciplines. All professional engineers take the same basic steps to earn their licenses. They have graduated from accredited engineering programs, passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and then passed the rigorous Principles and Practice of Engineering exam. Professional Engineers have gone beyond the effort required to complete the course work for engineering by proving their competence in achieving their Engineering License.
WVSPE regards the EXPO as an excellent means to bring to the forefront the significance of licensing for engineers that is so often taken for granted. An academic degree in engineering is a measure of technical competence. A License in Engineering is a measure of responsibility and professionalism. An engineer that signs and seals engineering documents, plans or drawings, has taken the responsibility for that project. That Professional Engineer is responsible to the public for the design therein. The Professional Engineer has pledged to dedicate their professional knowledge and skill to the advancement and betterment of human welfare.
Throughout history, engineers (even before they were actually called engineers) did the things that no one thought could be done. Engineers had and still have the vision to see things as they could be and solve the problems that bring vision to fruition.
The West Virginia Society of Professional Engineers recognizes the inherent value in organizing the talents of many into the mission of a single, unified group. The fundamental goal set forth by our founders remains: to recognize that service to humanity, the state and nation is the principle reason behind professional engineering. The
Society remains dedicated to this mission and the promotion of engineering as a catalyst for social and economic good.
Please take some time to visit the many engineering firms that are here at EXPO to see the contributions that they have made to our world. Also, visit the following website to learn about the many contributions by engineers to the health and welfare of the human race: www.greatachievements.org.
Engineer’s Creed:
As a Professional Engineer, I dedicate my professional knowledge and skill to the advancement and betterment of human welfare.
I pledge:
• To give the utmost of performance;
• To participate in none but honest enterprise;
• To live and work according to the laws of man and the highest standards of professional conduct;
• To place service before profit, the honor and standing of the profession before personal advantage, and the public welfare above all other considerations.
In humility and with need for divine guidance,
I make this pledge.