EXPO has become a meeting ground for numerous trade associations and professional societies. A number of impressive speakers and seminars are offered at EXPO to round out a complete educational experience. Most seminars offer continuing education credit. Consult the seminar sponsor for additional information. Seminar preregistration helps with planning, but does not guarantee seating (except for fee seminars which require direct registration with the sponsor). Seating is on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Most seminars should qualify for continuing education credit for your profession. All seminars are FREE of charge unless noted otherwise.
EXPO DAY 1 - Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Sponsoring Organization: Contractors Association of West Virginia (CAWV)
Presented By: Contractors Association of West Virginia (CAWV)
Description: The CAWV State Meeting will be held March 26 at 7:30 a.m. at the Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center. The cost to attend is $50. Registered members will be invoiced. Members can also contact the CAWV at (304) 342-1166 to register. The CAWV State Meeting will recognize members for excellence in their safety programs and the CAWV Scholarship Foundation recipient will accept his or her award. Immediately following the CAWV State Meeting, members can attend the EXPO Opening Session from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. in the Little Theater.
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Presented By: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Description: ATTENTION AIA WV MEMBERS: Off-site registration and payment are required. The $125 flat rate registration fee gets you access to ALL AIA West Virginia seminars (a total of 5 continuing education seminars), chapter meeting, and lunch.
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: American Society of Landscape Architects - WV Chapter
Presented By: Paul Filipiak, P.E., Foster Supply - A Core and Main Brand
Description: This presentation covers the use of precast concrete retaining wall blocks, including a discussion of its internal drainage system. Both gravity and geosynthetic reinforced applications will be discussed, along with the durability difference between wet cast and dry cast concrete. We’ll take an expanded look at the wall block design software. Several local and regional case histories will be highlighted.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Water Environment Association (WVWEA)
Presented By: Sandy Bradford-Dice
Description: Understand how crystalline technology works with concrete to provide high performance waterproofing, chemical resistance qualities while meeting your sustainability goals. Learn about Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC) and how our antimicrobial crystalline “Bio-San" can protect your project from MIC, Sulphates, chlorides and other aggressive chemicals. Learn how creating performance based waterproofing & Chemical protection specifications can ensure less problems and a longer lifecycle for your project.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV ASHRAE
Presented By: WV ASHRAE
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Construction + Design EXPO
Presented By: West Virginia Construction + Design EXPO
Description: Join us for EXPO’s 2025 opening keynote session at 9:00 AM in the Theater. This year's keynote speaker will be proud WV native Emily Calandrelli. Emily is an acclaimed engineer, science communicator, and television host with a passion for inspiring innovation. A graduate of WVU’s College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, Emily has dedicated her career to making science and technology accessible to all. Known as “The Space Gal,” she has even experienced weightlessness during a zero-gravity flight, bringing her closer to the wonders of space exploration. As the host of Xploration Outer Space and a correspondent on Bill Nye Saves the World, she highlights the intersection of STEM, sustainability, and the built environment. Emily's roots in the Mountain State and her dedication to engineering excellence make her an inspiring figure for those shaping the future of construction and infrastructure. She was the 100th woman in space and the 2024 West Virginian of the Year.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Rural Water Association
Presented By: Jamie Nichols & Marybeth Altizer
Description: This session with go over the continuation of the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements from the EPA that we are now working under.
CEU Information: 1.5 CEH Water = 1.5 PDH = 0.15 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Water Environment Association (WVWEA)
Presented By: Dustin Dixon, CITCO Water
Description: The session will identify what is hydrogen sulfide, the dangers of hydrogen sulfide, the impact on the collection system of not treating hydrogen sulfide and a strategic approach for the municipality to treat hydrogen sulfide.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: .
Presented By: .
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: Contractors Association of West Virginia (CAWV) + American Red Cross
Presented By: Contractors Association of West Virginia (CAWV) + American Red Cross
Description: The CAWV is once again sponsoring a blood drive in memory of Cynthia Snyder on March 26 at the Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center in conjunction with EXPO. Cynthia, who passed in 2011, was the wife of CAWV Past President Lee Snyder. The Cynthia Snyder Memorial Blood Drive will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on March 26.
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Presented By: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Description: ATTENTION AIA WV MEMBERS: Off-site registration and payment are required. The $125 flat rate registration fee gets you access to ALL AIA West Virginia seminars (a total of 5 continuing education seminars), chapter meeting, and lunch.
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: American Society of Landscape Architects - WV Chapter
Presented By: Mike Fingeroth, Sparks @ Play
Description: Spray parks are a fast growing amenity to park and recreation departments. This session will present ideas on the process of installing a spray park and the intricate details of design, budgeting, site amenities, water source, codes, bidding, construction and maintenance. The session will describe the analytical process of designing for sustaining the environment. The session will explain the maintenance requirements of the surface, water source and features.
CEU Information: 1.5 PDH = 0.15 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: APWA Mid Atlantic Chapter
Presented By: Jeff Wilkerson, Julian Brooks & Aaron Hester
Description: Discover how municipalities in West Virginia and the Southeast are transforming urban stormwater management by integrating innovative green solutions into their street ponding mitigation program. This session explores how they utilize Precision Flowline technology to address ponding hazards, reduce urban flooding, and extend infrastructure lifespan -- all while prioritizing environmental sustainability and ADA compliance. Learn about the challenges faced in project development, the role of data-driven GIS technology, and lessons learned from implementation. Attendees will gain actionable insights into cost-effective approaches that minimize disruption, preserve natural water pathways, and align with modern stormwater management goals. Depending on the scope of implementation, municipalities could save hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars over the short and long-term implementing this innovative technology.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: Contractors Association of West Virginia (CAWV)
Presented By: Eddie Thompson, Brown Edwards & Company, LLP
Description: We will discuss ways to build a dynamic balance sheet to enhance your ratios for bonding and banking. Attendees should come away with ideas for increasing cash flow, maintaining proper levels of PP&E, leveraging debt, etc.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: International Right of Way Association
Presented By: Brad McGee, DHS Protective Security Advisor (WV) & Bill Minear WV Dept Homeland Security (ret.)
Description: This session is intended to raise awareness of security measures that companies can implement in securing their job sites and in the workplace. From background checks to securing construction sites, this session should be informative across multiple industries. Presented by state and federal Homeland Security professionals.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Presented By: Carolyn Pearson, USACE
Description: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plays a critical role in managing flood risk by regulating water releases from dams to protect downstream communities. To enhance this mission, engineers are leveraging cutting-edge technology with the Rapid Inundation Mapping (RIM) tool, which quickly generates real-time flood maps based on observed and forecasted river conditions to visualize impacts of selected releases. Learn how this national asset is transforming flood risk management and empowering faster, more informed decision-making.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia American Water Works Association (WV AWWA)
Presented By: Meredith Vance
Description: This session will provide an overview of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for six PFAS including initial and compliance monitoring requirements, compliance with the new MCLs, and associated timelines.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Water Environment Association (WVWEA)
Presented By: John Swartzbaugh, Burgess & Niple
Description: Presentation will cover large diameter condition multi sensor CCTV assessment and rehabilitation products and techniques. Secondary considerations when performing large diameter rehabilitation will also be covered.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV ASHRAE
Presented By: Terry Lee Rogers
Description: Emergency preparedness is being ready for sudden, unexpected events. The key is to expect the unexpected and to focus on the symptoms vs. the causes. The first task should be to identify the potential hazards that a site is reasonably expected to be exposed to, based upon geographical location. There are good reasons that site selection and due diligence are given the importance they are. Next is to categorize the hazards, or “events” into two categories. These would be events that typically occur with 24 hours or longer advance notice and those that could have less than an hour advance notice. Hurricanes can be predicted days before they reach a given location, whereas tornados may give little to no advance notice whatsoever. Most disasters that occur with 24 hours of advance warning also tend to affect a large region. These events can incur wide spread destruction and disruption of critical off-site services that can take days or weeks (or in extreme cases, months) to restore such as the electric power grid, municipal water systems, communication systems, and roads and bridges. On the other hand, most disasters that occur with little or no warning typically affect a much smaller area. Tornados, severe thunderstorms, wind, hail, and localized flooding, and hazardous gas or material spills are good examples. As destructive as these events may be, the relatively small area affected allows for a much quicker response and recovery of affected critical services; typically within 24 to 48 hours. However, some events such as a major earthquake have the potential to occur without notice and affect wide areas.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program
Presented By: West Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program
Description: WV LTAP Advisory Board Meeting
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Rural Water Association
Presented By: Charlie Cooper
Description: This session will cover contaminants like PFAS and PFOA
CEU Information: 1.5 CEH = 1.5 PDH = 0.15 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Presented By: Kenneth E. Tyree Jr., CFPS, West Virginia State Fire Marshal
Description: Join us for a discussion with Kenneth E. Tyree Jr., CFPS, West Virginia State Fire Marshal, as he provides updates on the West Virginia Fire Code and its impact on design, construction, and compliance. This session will cover recent code changes, enforcement trends, and best practices for architects, engineers, and building professionals to ensure fire safety and regulatory adherence. This is a valuable opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge from the state’s leading fire official, ask questions, and stay informed on evolving fire safety requirements. Don't miss this chance to engage in a critical conversation that directly affects the built environment and public safety. Who Should Attend? Architects, engineers, contractors, building officials, and anyone involved in design, construction, or facility management. Key Topics: • Updates to the WV Fire Code • Compliance challenges and solutions • Q&A session with Marshal Tyree ATTENTION AIA WV MEMBERS: Off-site registration and payment are required. The $125 flat rate registration fee gets you access to ALL AIA West Virginia seminars (a total of 5 continuing education seminars), chapter meeting, and lunch.
CEU Information: 1 AIA = 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: International Right of Way Association
Presented By: Beth R Minear, Esq.
Description: This session will be an overview of the Miss Utility Act, from to whom it applies to what do you do if there is an incident. We'll also discuss civil and administrative penalties as well as a brief litigation discussion. This presentation is given by an attorney with more than 25 years in the construction and utility industries.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Presented By: Karen Carnago
Description: This seminar will provide insight into the factors influencing the acceptance of safety wearables by private construction companies and USACE employees. It will also examine the barriers and challenges associated with the adoption of wearable technology in the construction industry.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia American Water Works Association (WV AWWA)
Presented By: Dawn Slekis, WV Office of Environmental Health Services
Description: This session will provide an overview of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for the Lead & Copper Rule Improvements including upcoming compliance dates, regulatory requirements, and current monitoring/reporting guidelines.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Water Environment Association (WVWEA)
Presented By: James Mitchell, Ghosh Engineers
Description: Shed insight into how GIS can be used to help establish and maintain an asset management program for wastewater utilities.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV ASHRAE
Presented By: Terry Lee Rogers, Vice President of Design & Engineering, T5 Data Centers
Description: Most critical facilities demand continuous operations for extended periods typically measured in years if not decades. One characteristic of many successful critical facility management organizations is the interdependence and integration of the functions and capabilities of the facilities staff and the site building management system (BMS) and other associated monitoring & control systems. One of the most important functions of the facilities staff is to monitor and verify that the BMS and related control systems perform correctly and to initiate manual intervention when control systems fail. BMS systems and their site-specific deployment varies greatly across facilities in general. Some are designed for basic monitoring and control with only the most critical parameters being monitored/controlled such as equipment on/off status and “summary” alarm monitoring. On the other extreme, BMS systems can acquire massive data from connected equipment and sensors to the point where operating staff can be affected by “information overload”. The best practice isn’t one vs the other, but a well thought out strategy that matches the site staff resources and capabilities with the deployed system. Likewise, the BMS can provide some oversight of the overall performance of the site staff. An obvious example would be when the BMS alarms when site staff initiate erroneous actions such as operating the wrong breaker or valve. Facilities should consider and strategize how to best deploy and manage their facilities staff in conjunction with the site monitoring and control systems. Both are indispensable in meeting the challenge of providing continuous operations. In some cases, the staff supplement the capabilities of the BMS and vice versa, and in other aspects they provide oversight and performance measurement of the other’s effectiveness including intervening when the human or BMS actions fail.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV Division of Labor - Safety Section - WV OSHA Consultation Program
Presented By: Lara Miller, CSP
Description: Learn all about the free resources available through the WV OSHA Consultation Program (West Virginia Division of Labor)! The WV OSHA Consultation Program aims to assist small-to-medium sized employers with high-hazard NAICS classifications at no cost to the employer in all industry sectors. We offer clients (1) program assistance, (2) abatement assistance, (2) compliance and technical assistance, (3) training and education services, as well as various occupational safety and health consultation visit services. Consultants help identify serious, imminent, other-than-serious, and regulatory hazards on-site; and provide abatement recommendations and assistance throughout the entire consultation process. During the abatement time frame, with the proper interim protections in place, the employer is exempted from planned federal OSHA enforcement inspections for 60 days or more. Most of all, we provide WV Employers with an Economic Benefit regarding Workers’ Compensation Costs as well. By identifying hazards, we assist employers reduce their total number of injuries, which in turn reduces their workers' compensation costs. For example, the WV OSHA Consultation Program identified an average of 691 hazards, removed a total of 9,630 employees from risk, and prevented 289 injuries (an average of 72 injuries). This saved those affected employers a combined $2,571,393.00 in workers' compensation premiums (direct costs); $2,828,533 (Indirect costs (unplanned costs), with a VSI of Injuries Prevented being $6,756,489 VSI of injuries prevented. That was a total value of $12,156,415.00 combined savings between FY 2012-2022 (excluding 2014, 2020, and 2021). We also oversee the WV Safety Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) and Pre-SHARP programs for those smaller employers that are recognized as going above and beyond. Our program is confidential from Federal OSHA Enforcement, and vice versa. Our OSHA Consultation Safety and Health Consultants and Staff are trained similarly to federal OSHA enforcement and provide various years of experience, and niches, to assist our West Virginia employers.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV Section of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Southern Branch & Women in Transportation (WTS-WV)
Presented By: Rachelle Beckner, Clemson University
Description: This session will equip engineers and construction professionals with proven, workforce-ready techniques to communicate effectively with diverse audiences, bridging technical expertise with practical project applications. Attendees will gain tools to enhance client relationships and improve project clarity. With experience teaching communication skills within engineering courses at Clemson University, Mrs. Beckner has seen firsthand how clear, strategic communication can elevate project success and team collaboration.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Society of Landscape Architects - WV Chapter
Presented By: American Society of Landscape Architects - WV Chapter
Description: American Society of Landscape Architects - WV Chapter Meeting & Luncheon
CEU Information: 0
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia American Water Works Association (WV AWWA)
Presented By: Randy Blankenship
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Presented By: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Description: ATTENTION AIA WV MEMBERS: Off-site registration and payment are required. The $125 flat rate registration fee gets you access to ALL AIA West Virginia seminars (a total of 5 continuing education seminars), chapter meeting, and lunch.
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: American Council of Engineering Companies of West Virginia (ACEC-WV)
Presented By: Isaac Fadiga & Matt Lewellyn, Burgess & Niple
Description: This presentation will explore strategies for staying connected with your team while leading from a distance. We will discuss the challenges and offer practical solutions for foster communication, maintaining accountability, nurturing team morale, and keeping momentum aligned with organizational goals. By focusing on adaptability and consistent engagement, this session will equip leaders with the strategies to not only stay connected with their team, but also to inspire growth, trust, and performance in a virtual workspace.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Society of Landscape Architects - WV Chapter
Presented By: Joe Bird, Chapman Technical Group
Description: Get the most of your small public spaces with flexible design that meets a variety of needs of the people of your community.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: Contractors Association of West Virginia (CAWV)
Presented By: Keith Potter, Silt Saver
Description: Most states or municipalities have specific symbols for Best Management Practices (BPMs) that must be shown on erosion and sediment control plans to submit a Notice of Intent for coverage under a Construction General Permit (CGP). Typically, there is a description of the BMP and possibly a material specification or even an approved products list for the materials required by that practice. It has long been recognized that material specifications and the test methods used to measure these index properties, while providing information about the fabric, do not model field performance1. Because there is no correlation between these index properties and field performance, it is not surprising that failures resulting in uncontrolled discharges of sediment during construction are pervasive. A better question to ask is can one utilize product specific data to model sediment barrier performance based on site specific project conditions? Utilizing design tools such as the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Silt Fence Design Guide and SEDCADTM 4, one can model the runoff and sediment removal efficiency of silt fence sediment barriers. This study will model the benefits of 2-stage variable flow geotextile fabrics to impound recommended depths of 12” to 18” while providing controlled release of the runoff exceeding that recommended depth. In addition, models will be developed to assess the impact of multiple sediment retention structures in series on runoff volume and sediment removal efficiency. Finally, similar modeling will be conducted and validated in a field case study. 1 Barrett et al., “An evaluation of geotextiles for temporary sediment control,” Water Environment Research, Volume 70, Number 3, p 283-290.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: Contractors Association of West Virginia (CAWV)
Presented By: Patrick Timony, Esq., Bowles Rice
Description: The presentation will examine contracting for alternative disputes, be it mediation and/or arbitration, and how those clauses can expedite resolution and help control costs.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia American Water Works Association (WV AWWA)
Presented By: Dave Parsons, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Dept. of Homeland Security
Description: Provide high-level understanding of the current cyber threat landscape, to include current geopolitical tensions and top cyber threats. Discuss basic cybersecurity practices and protective measures.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Rural Water Association
Presented By: Jim Johnson & Danny Vestal
Description: This session will cover ethics as it pertains to the water and wastewater public service districts and municipalities
CEU Information: 3 CEH Water & Wastewater = 3 PDH = 0.3 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: ENTEX Technologies
Presented By: Wayne Flournoy, President, Entex Technologies
Description: The City of Peterborough Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Southern Ontario, Canada, is an 18 MGD conventional activated sludge plant, initially designed for suspended growth. In 2006 and 2011, it underwent conversion to a moving media Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) system consisting of non-engineered plastic matrix material within metal retention cages. Despite the upgrade, operational challenges persisted, including media breakage/loss, non-uniform dispersion of media, increased hydraulic head loss, and screen and diffuser maintenance difficulties. To address these issues, the City of Peterborough enlisted the expertise of R.V. Anderson Associates Limited (RVA) to identify a viable solution. After careful evaluation of alternatives considering retrofit needs, O&M obligations, life cycle costs, and compliance requirements, the WavTexTM woven media system by Entex Technologies Inc. was selected. 32 WavTex modules, comprised of buoyant media sheets tethered to stainless steel frames with integral coarse bubble aeration were installed in December 2021. Shortly after installation, the new IFAS system was stress tested via a nine-month Process Verification period which tested one train at the full rated flow during cold weather winter, high flow spring, and high temperature summer. The new system was able to consistently meet TAN limits of 6 mg/L (summer) and 10mg/L (winter). Based on the TAN results, ease of operation, and reduced O&M costs the new system proved to be able to meet the plant’s needs. This paper/presentation will go into details of the evaluation/selection and operation of the new IFAS system including testing methods, other parameters tracked, and recent plant performance. At the end of this project, the City of Peterborough WWTP was able to install and validate an alternative IFAS system to address O&M issues which also met effluent requirements for the full rated capacity.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV ASHRAE
Presented By: Terry Lee Rogers, Vice President of Design & Engineering, T5 Data Centers
Description: Commissioning is a quality control process performed by a team with representatives from all the major entities involved in a construction or upgrade project. The process is led by the Commissioning Agent, but many, if not most of the activities are performed by the other team members. For the process to work correctly, each participant must understand his or her specific role and purview. Formal, full life-cycle commissioning begins during the initial programming phase and continues through the design, construction, startup, and acceptance testing, and extends into the initial operation of the facility or infrastructure and includes delivering comprehensive site as-built and record documents as well as operations staff training. The commissioning team should have representatives from the owner, commissioning agent, architect, and engineering firms, the owner’s operating staff, the general contractor, and the major subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers. Some of these team members need to be on board at project inception including the owner’s critical stakeholders, the commissioning agent, and the architects and engineers. Other team members may join the commissioning team later as the project progresses from design to construction including the general contractor, subcontractors, vendors and suppliers. The earlier the operating staff can be assigned and brought on board the better. Perhaps the most important role of all is that of the site owner. The more engaged and active the owner remains in the commissioning process the better. For commissioning to work effectively, the owner must understand the commissioning process, what it is as well as what it is not, and demonstrably support the commissioning agent. The owner must also ensure the roles, responsibilities, activities, and deliverables of all project participants are clearly defined and specified in binding contracts and agreements. After all, the purpose of commissioning is at least in part to ensure the owner gets what was paid for.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers
Presented By: John Greenhalge (Executive Director, Ohio Board of Engineers & Surveyors) and Lesley Rosier-Tabor (Executive Director, West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers)
Description: With standing room only in 2019 and 2022, you will want to arrive early to grab a seat! The WV Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and the Ohio Board of Engineers and Surveyors are teaming up once again to provide a unique presentation to satisfy not only the WV PE license renewal needs but also those of Ohio PE licensees as well. They will also be sharing a number of items on behalf of the WV State Fire Marshal’s Office regarding the new 2024 State Fire Code, the 2025 Electronic Plans Submittal and Review Process, and updates on Title 87-5 for WV Home Inspectors. The Ohio Engineering and Surveying Law now requires completion of at least two hours (of the thirty hours of continuing education required for biennial renewal) in professional ethics and/or laws/rules relevant to the practices of engineering or surveying. Please join us as the Boards’ Executive Directors, John Greenhalge and Lesley Rosier-Tabor, PE, provide this informative EXPO offering to satisfy the Ohio Board’s 2-hour ethics requirements while also meeting 2 hours of continuing education renewal requirements for both PEs licensed by the WV PE Board and Home Inspectors certified by the WV State Fire Marshal. In addition, WV State Fire Marshall Kenneth Tyree Jr. will be present to answer questions as well.
CEU Information: 2 PDH = 0.2 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Presented By: Dan Berardelli, Tarkett USA, Inc.
Description: Explore how 21st-century learning environments can be designed to promote safety, inclusivity, productivity, and wellness. Gain insights into designing facilities that enhance learning and address critical issues like school safety and indoor environmental quality. ATTENTION AIA WV MEMBERS: Off-site registration and payment are required. The $125 flat rate registration fee gets you access to ALL AIA West Virginia seminars (a total of 5 continuing education seminars), chapter meeting, and lunch.
CEU Information: 1 AIA = 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: American Society of Landscape Architects - WV Chapter
Presented By: Kevin Meyer, P.E., EJ
Description: This presentation covers key standards for specifying gray and ductile iron construction castings that meet AASHTO M306, optimized casting design for improved ergonomics and performance, pick and replaceable bolting options, castings for retrofit installs, products that address I&I and vibration issues, corrosion resistant products, and assemblies for ease of access to underground structures in high traffic areas.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV LTAP
Presented By: Ronald W. Eck, P.E.
Description: Words have power. Written and spoken words by employees of public agencies, consultants and contractors can be used in litigation as evidence regarding the standard of care or duties for entities who are sued for alleged negligence in the design, construction, maintenance and operations of transportation facilities. Ron will discuss the concepts of liability neutral language and its use in emails, reports, manuals, presentations, interviews and other forms of communication. After completing the seminar, attendees will be able to use language that does not increase the risk of litigation for their organization.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: Fairmont State University Surveying and Geomatics Engineering Technology Program
Presented By: Assistant Professors Donald Teter and Kaden Statler, Fairmont State University
Description: Professors Teter and Statler will discuss why precise geodetic surveying can't tell us exactly where Four Corners is supposed to be and explain how state boundary positions are often determined by factors other than precise measurement.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: National Society of Professional Engineers - West Virginia
Presented By: Anthony Dowell, AECOM
Description: THIS SEMINAR HAS BEEN CANCELED. Asset Management is becoming an increasingly important focus for agencies and organizations as they look to optimize their budgets, maintain their existing assets, and invest in new improvements and projects. When implemented successfully, asset owners have the ability to make data-driven and defensible decisions using risk-based approaches. This session will provide attendees with an introduction to key asset management principles, terminology, and best practices, with a focus on the role that people, processes, and technology play within the asset management lifecycle.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Presented By: Amy Rundgren, US Army Corps of Engineers
Description: This seminar will provide a brief overview of the opportunities within the Huntington District of the US Army Corps of Engineers.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia American Water Works Association (WV AWWA)
Presented By: Mary Hutson
Description: Overview of SDWA Section 1433(a) – (f), Resilience CEU Program, Risk and Resilience Assessments, and Emergency Response Plans (ERP).
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Utility Contractors Association (WVUCA)
Presented By: Kerry Koressel, IPEX USA, LLC
Description: Hydraulic odor control utilizing either the Vortex Flow Insert or the Vortex Force Aerator is a passive system. The Vortex Flow Insert is a drop structure insert for odor and corrosion control in sanitary sewers that does not require any chemicals or ongoing costs. With no moving parts or mechanical devices, the Vortex uses the energy of the falling sewage to reduce H2S and add dissolved oxygen to the sewage. This is done by increasing the flow velocity so that the sewage spirals down the Vortex drop shaft. As it spirals down it creates a negative air column that pulls down the odors and H2S and re-entrains them back into the sewage. At the same time the oxygen being pulled down is entrained as dissolved oxygen (tiny bubbles) to neutralize the H2S. The flow exits submerged within the energy dissipation pool so no release of H2S or gases occurs. The flow energy is dissipated within the energy dissipation pool and leaves the structure in a more tranquil manner.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV ASHRAE
Presented By: Ed Light, CIH, Senior Scientist, Building Dynamics, LLC
Description: As an environmental scientist and consultant to building owners and general contractors, Ed Light will demonstrate that it's not necessary to address mold as a hazardous material. Health risks are generally limited to the aggravation of allergies in sensitive individuals. Although mold testing is a common practice, results are inconclusive. Mold is best investigated by moisture evaluation and visual inspection. Exposure can be eliminated by removing, treating, and drying affected materials. The role of HVAC in causing and controlling mold problems will also be discussed.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Presented By: David McKinley, McKinley Architecture and Engineering
Description: Discover the challenges and insights gained when architects and builders take on the role of both designer and client. This session highlights how these experiences improve collaboration and project outcomes. ATTENTION AIA WV MEMBERS: Off-site registration and payment are required. The $125 flat rate registration fee gets you access to ALL AIA West Virginia seminars (a total of 6 continuing education seminars), chapter meeting, and lunch.
CEU Information: 1 AIA = 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: American Society of Landscape Architects - WV Chapter
Presented By: Tom Evans, Hunt Valley Contractors
Description: This presentation offers an in-depth exploration of architectural finishes for cast-in-place and precast concrete walls. Attendees will gain insight into the variety of textures and color options available, as well as the detailed processes required to meet the design and aesthetic goals of a project. Key topics include the use of form liners, the preparation of concrete post-form removal, and the application of single and multi-color stains to replicate the appearance of natural stone or other surrounding materials.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: Contractors Association of West Virginia (CAWV)
Presented By: Steven Noble, CMC Bridge Systems
Description: A flood destroyed a crucial bridge in Adams County, Colorado, disrupting the daily commute of nearly 1,000 vehicles. The shortest detour was several miles on a narrow dirt road, which was not ideal for residents and couldn’t accommodate freight or agricultural vehicles. The county needed an urgent solution, and this presentation will introduce the challenges they faced, including the need to design a resilient structure to withstand future floods. We’ll also highlight the collaboration process between the county, contractors, and engineers to design and construct a permanent bridge within 6 months. Adam’s County reached out to experienced bridge contractors and planned to use the FHWA’s Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) project delivery method. Two contractors submitted multiple options, including a temporary bridge installation in summer 2024, enabling time to design and construct a permanent bridge in 2025. However, the county ultimately chose an InQuik Bridge solution because it’s pre-engineered, and the innovative construction process enabled efficient installation and significant cost savings. Furthermore, InQuik Bridges are proven disaster resilient. The cast-in-place integral structures ensure durability, which is becoming more necessary, as natural disasters intensify. This presentation is both educational and interesting for engineers, contractors, and bridge owners alike.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Utility Contractors Association (WVUCA)
Presented By: David Olexson CESSWI, Profile Products
Description: A 5 fundamental prescriptive approach to driving vegetation for a faster Notice of Termination (NOT) on jobsites.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV Section of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Presented By: Austin Jarrell (Ph.D. Candidate at WVU)
Description: Building pavement resilience is an emerging issue for pavement practitioners, and has implications for the overall strength of transportation infrastructure networks across the United States. This presentation will provide background on the issue, motivation for building resilience, and a highlight of the current best practices for building more resilient pavement infrastructure, including barriers to implementation.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Council of Engineering Companies of West Virginia (ACEC-WV)
Presented By: American Council of Engineering Companies of West Virginia (ACEC-WV)
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: Contractors Association of West Virginia (CAWV)
Presented By: TBD
Description: More information coming soon!
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Presented By: Crossville CEU
Description: Learn about the impact of carbon emissions in the built environment and explore strategies to achieve carbon neutrality. This session focuses on sustainable tile manufacturing and tools for evaluating transparency documents to specify eco-friendly materials. Learning Objectives: 1. Understand sustainability terminology and its history. 2. Explore carbon neutrality and its implications for building design. 3. Evaluate environmental and material ingredient transparency documents. 4. Identify sustainable building materials like tile for project specifications. ATTENTION AIA WV MEMBERS: Off-site registration and payment are required. The $125 flat rate registration fee gets you access to ALL AIA West Virginia seminars (a total of 6 continuing education seminars), chapter meeting, and lunch.
CEU Information: 1 AIA = 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: WV ASHRAE
Presented By: WV ASHRAE
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Construction + Design EXPO
Presented By: WV Jobs & Hope / Mountaineer ChalleNGe Academy
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: .
Presented By: .
Description: Meet, greet, and eat with the industry's finest at the After Hours Reception. Network with the hundreds of exhibitors and attendees while enjoying complimentary beer, wine & food stations located throughout the exhibit halls.
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
EXPO DAY 2 - Thursday, March 27, 2025
Sponsoring Organization: .
Presented By: .
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: .
Presented By: .
Description: Mingle and do business over breakfast with the industry's finest. Complimentary breakfast stations will be located throughout the exhibit areas.
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: Contractors Association of West Virginia (CAWV)
Presented By: Bryan Radabaugh, GeoStabilization International
Description: We will discuss two projects performed in West Virginia during the 2024 construction season. A project near Beckley, WV utilized a series of soil nails and a sculpted shotcrete face to stabilize an embankment during site work to provide the owner with a lower risk stabilization technique that also afforded additional development footprint. The second project near Charleston, WV utilized a similar approach to stabilize a failing gravity wall in place, avoiding extensive excavation and utility relocation.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Construction + Design EXPO
Presented By: Larry Oxenham, American Society for Asset Protection
Description: Is your financial house in order? Discover the tools construction industry professionals can use to become invincible to lawsuits, save thousands in taxes, and achieve financial peace of mind. By the end of the presentation you will know how to: 1) Protect 100% of your assets from lawsuits. You will learn how to make yourself so unattractive to a plaintiff attorney that they will never pursue a lawsuit against you. 2) Save thousands of dollars each year in taxes. You will learn five tax reduction strategies most people fail to utilize, which could save you more than $10,000 each year in taxes. 3) Avoid probate and eliminate all estate taxes. You will be taken through a checklist of items that are important to every estate and business succession plan. You will learn what you should be doing now to prepare for successful business and estate succession. “It takes a lifetime to accumulate your assets. Take the time to protect them.”
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Society of Landscape Architects - WV Chapter
Presented By: Donald McNutt, P.E., American Concrete Pipe Association
Description: This presentation will provide attendees with design and proper installation techniques for precast box culverts, while increasing awareness of common innovations. I will identify national standards to determine critical components for common box culvert systems. This course will empower engineers, inspectors and installers with a product that can be competitively designed with enhanced creativity for a growing infrastructure.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Rural Water Association
Presented By: Shawn Strain & Adam Conant
Description: This session will cover different ways to protect your utility when connected to the internet.
CEU Information: 1.5 CEH Water & Wastewater = 3 PDH = 0.3 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV ASHRAE
Presented By: Ed Light, CIH, Senior Scientist, Building Dynamics, LLC
Description: Explore the latest research on the spread and control of COVID-19 and learn how to implement safe practices in building management and construction during a pandemic. This seminar will delve into the limited role of HVAC interventions, the critical importance of administrative infection controls, and practical strategies to enhance safety and reduce risks for occupants and workers. Gain valuable insights to better prepare for and manage challenges in a post-pandemic world.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV Section - American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Presented By: Section President, Dan Fint
Description: The WV Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) holds one of their regular board meetings at the EXPO each year. All members are welcome to attend.
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Council of Engineering Companies of West Virginia (ACEC-WV)
Presented By: Joel Cummings, AECOM
Description: The latest addition to the Schuylkill River waterfront in Philadelphia is a half-mile trail featuring a stunning 600-foot cable-stayed bridge with a graceful “S-curve” horizontal alignment. The twin towers, rising 139 feet above the deck, each anchor 28 wire rope cables. These cables hold up curved, precast, post-tensioned concrete U-beams and a 25-foot-wide bridge deck with circular overlooks at each tower, offering magnificent views of the river and city skyline. The deck is hinged at mid-span to mitigate post-tensioning losses. Tuned mass dampers were installed inside the U-beam to minimize vibrations and improve pedestrian comfort. Each tower is founded on nine 6-foot diameter drilled shafts to resist gravity, vessel collision and ice loads. Above the deck, the towers taper in two directions, adding dimensional interest. The cables are arranged in a unique basketweave pattern and use elegant pin-and-clevis anchors for a streamlined look. Aesthetic lighting and pedestrian benches enhance the user experience. The design focuses on conventional construction methods and minimizing future maintenance while providing an architecturally sensitive solution that reflects the spirit of Philadelphia. The presentation will present a planning, design, and construction overview of the Schuylkill River Bridge project.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Council of Engineering Companies of West Virginia (ACEC-WV)
Presented By: Felicia Bechtel, RETTEW Field Services, Inc.
Description: It’s a simple concept: geophysics helps clients save time and money (as well as maximize safety and minimize liability) by detecting what’s beneath the surface, often before construction ever begins. Geophysicists use safe, cost-effective methods and emerging technologies to identify subsurface features (rock depths, sinkholes, weak zones) and infrastructure (utilities, unknown targets) to help clients use their resources most wisely. This webinar will introduce the applied science of geophysics as it relates to environmental, engineering, geotechnical, and construction markets. By participating, you’ll gain a better understanding of geophysical techniques and applications through seeing real-life project examples. In addition, you will learn the benefits of using geophysics on your next environmental, engineering, geotechnical, or construction project – before you ever put a shovel in the ground.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Society of Landscape Architects - WV Chapter
Presented By: R. Justin Walton, Jr., Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
Description: Learn about advancements in design solutions utilizing large diameter steel reinforced PE (SRPE) technology for storm & sanitary sewer conveyance, flood mitigation, sanitary (SSO/CSO) storage applications, and trenchless rehabilitation of old failing drainage structures. Gain insights into pipe system design strategies tailored for storm and sanitary sewers, covering critical aspects such as service life, hydraulic efficiency, fabrication of fittings, structural integrity, and post-installation joint testing.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Presented By: Eileen S. Hodges, Deputy for Small District, Huntington District, Philip S. Davis, Branch Chief, Service and Supply Team, and Patrina G. Singleton, Branch Chief, National & Regional Centers
Description: Contractors interested in participating in the Huntington District’s civil works and other mission areas will learn the eligibility requirements necessary to compete for contracts in our District. This seminar will also cover the basics of doing business with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, insight and overview from branch contracting chiefs for National/Regional Centers and A-E/Construction Teams. An overview of the types of goods and services we procure to meet mission goals and our forecast for upcoming opportunities.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Construction + Design EXPO
Presented By: Chris May
Description: As contractors rely more on technology for project management, communication, and operations, the construction industry has become an attractive target for cybercriminals. From ransomware attacks to phishing scams, the risks can disrupt schedules, inflate costs, and compromise sensitive data. In this session, Chris May, Director of Security at Advantage Technology, will address the unique cybersecurity challenges faced by contractors and construction firms, including: The latest threats targeting contractors, from ransomware to credential theft. How cybercriminals exploit common vulnerabilities in the construction industry. Simple yet effective strategies to protect your company’s data, systems, and reputation. Real-world examples of breaches and the lessons learned from them. This presentation is tailored for contractors, project managers, and industry leaders, providing practical tips and tools to safeguard your operations and ensure your business remains resilient against evolving cyber threats.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Construction + Design EXPO
Presented By: Jim Kooser & Eric Goddard
Description: Soil health is a critical foundation to establishing ecological conditions which provide biologically robust communities and desirable physical characteristics. Many construction sites have soils that are not well-suited for hosting desirable plant communities. Properly prepared soils provide substrate for plants and also enhance successful ecological outcomes. Reestablishing native soil conditions will lead to a more biologically diverse plant population, providing resiliency to stressors such as pests, disease, drought, flood and other damages. The site characteristics responsible for ecological structuring are therefore dependent upon soil composition. The soil’s physical properties and microbiome play critical roles regarding plant health, chemistry, nutrient cycling and aggregate development. Once soils have been successfully restored, the focus can shift to selecting and designing an appropriate plant community. Diverse populations can be herbaceous, shrub dominated or forested, and wetland or upland in nature. Planting should be designed to fit the site conditions and to provide the desired benefits. Maintenance may include periodic mowing, protection from herbivory and watering, though all maintenance should decrease over time. This presentation will focus on specific techniques to understand a site’s soil conditions, prepare soils for final grading and planting, and to establish successful communities of native plants.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: WV ASHRAE
Presented By: Ed Light, CIH, Senior Scientist Building Dynamics, LLC
Description: This seminar will give attendees a glimpse at the evolution of the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) field over the past 40 years through the lens of Ed Lights’s groundbreaking work. Beginning with his establishment of an IAQ office in the West Virginia Department of Health, Ed tackled critical issues such as asbestos management in county schools and state buildings. His investigation into formaldehyde emissions in mobile homes—one of the era's most significant IAQ challenges—led to a successful solution when manufacturers improved resin formulations in pressed wood products. Attendees will also learn about the development of an IAQ complaint investigation process, created in collaboration with County Health Departments, which later became the basis for Federal Guidance. The seminar will conclude with highlights from Ed’s career after relocating to the D.C. area, where his engineering consulting firm handled IAQ challenges in facilities ranging from post-9/11 contaminated buildings to the White House and South Pole Station.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Presented By: Joe Sciore, JJ Flooring
Description: This session explores the impact of moisture on modular textile flooring installations, commonly known as carpet tile or textile composite flooring. Flooring failures due to elevated subfloor RH and pH are a common issue, leading to financial loss, inconvenience, and potential health and safety risks. By the end of this course, attendees will understand which types of modular textile flooring are best suited for environments with high slab RH and pH. ATTENTION AIA WV MEMBERS: Off-site registration and payment are required. The $125 flat rate registration fee gets you access to ALL AIA West Virginia seminars (a total of 6 continuing education seminars), chapter meeting, and lunch.
CEU Information: 1 AIA HSW = 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Presented By: Rebecca Rutherford
Description: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Huntington District, will discuss USACE authorities such as the Continuing Authorities Program, Environmental Infrastructure, Floodplain Management Services, Planning Assistance to States, and General Investigations.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Construction + Design EXPO
Presented By: Ben White and Matt Perrella, GRL Engineers, Inc.
Description: Drilled shaft testing techniques used by WVDOH will be explained and discussed. Case histories from projects will be presented.
CEU Information: 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: American Institute of Architects - West Virginia (AIA-WV)
Presented By: Matthew Lehmenkuler, Materials National Director, Terracon
Description: This session will cover special inspections, their guidelines, requirements, and responsibilities for the architectural design team. Learn how to apply special inspection requirements to real-world projects and address common issues.
CEU Information: 1 AIA = 1 PDH = 0.1 CEU
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: WV Society of Professional Engineers
Presented By: WV Society of Professional Engineers
Description: Annual Expo Board Meeting open to members and professional engineers that are interested in learning more about WVSPE.
CEU Information:
Additional Registration Link: None Required
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Society of Professional Surveyors
Presented By: Mack McCarty and Jason Smithson
Description: IMPORTANT: The cost to attend this seminar is $75. External registration is required. This program will review the definition of professional ethics and how they must be established and defined vs morals. This presentation also dives into the recently defined issue of “Ethical Fading” and how unethical practices can be unknowingly introduced into and organization and how the process of ethical fading can creep into an organization under the stress of operating in the current environment. This course will satisfy the 23CSR2, TITLE 23, LEGISLATIVE RULE BOARD OF PROFESSIONALS SURVEYORS SERIES 2, MANDATORY CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR LAND SURVEYORS, but may be submitted for other professionals.
CEU Information: 2 PDH = 0.2 CEU
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register
Sponsoring Organization: West Virginia Society of Professional Surveyors
Presented By: Mack McCarty and Jason Smithson
Description: IMPORTANT: The cost to attend this seminar is $75. External registration is required. This program reviews the current statutes and standards that apply to the practice of Professional Land Surveying in the State of WV. This course will satisfy the 23CSR2, TITLE 23, LEGISLATIVE RULE BOARD OF PROFESSIONALS SURVEYORS SERIES 2, MANDATORY CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR LAND SURVEYORS requirement.
CEU Information: 2 PDH = 0.2 CEU
Additional Registration Link: Click Here to Register