Charleston, WV 25301
(304) 344-9872
Antonia Edwardson, Executive Director
American Institute of Architects - WV
The American Institute of Architects is the voice of the architectural profession and the resource for its members in service to society.
AIA represents the professional interests of architects and is the largest and most influential professional association for those directly involved in the practice of architecture. AIA is a community of architects and related professionals united by knowledge, mission, high standards, and a code of ethics to create better places for people to live, work, and play. Currently it comprises of over 80,000 members in more than 300 local, state and international chapters, with national headquarters in Washington, D.C. Through its public outreach, education and government affairs activities, AIA acts on behalf of design and construction team members to fulfill its commitment to coordinate the building industry and to improve the quality of the built environment. Through the AIA, licensed architects, emerging professionals, and allied partners connect with each other to share experiences, celebrate good work, and together, serve the common good of our communities and the profession and they assure clients, the public, and colleagues of their dedication to the highest standards in professional practice. Whether you are an intern-architect, an architect in a corporation, private practice, education or government, with today’s new technologies and new markets, membership in the AIA is more important than ever.
The AIA is the forum through which its members define issues to be addressed. Members have a professional responsibility to direct the AIA in its efforts to advance the profession, improve architectural practice and assist architects in their professional growth.
Since 1857, the AIA has worked to provide its members with the services and support they need to be effective members of one of the most challenging professions in the world. Many of the tools that architects take for granted result from member involvement in the AIA. Without the collective resources of the AIA, the profession – not to mention the construction industry – would not have practice tools such as AIA Contract Documents, Masterspec and Architectural Graphic Standards. In 2007 AIA members throughout the country celebrated the sesquicentennial of The American Institute of Architects. The West Virginia Chapter/AIA was chartered in 1922. AIA-WV represents members of the AIA practicing in WV.
Members expand their knowledge and awareness of the local architectural community. AIA-WV has 350 members, including registered architects, internarchitects, associate members and affiliate members. AIA is committed to lifelong learning through its mandatory continuing education system. Its goal is to enhance the professional skills of AIA members as leaders of the profession and industry.
Today’s AIA unites the members in a commitment to improve society through a dedication to design excellence and a concern for the HEALTH, SAFETY and WELFARE of the public and the quality of human life.
In December 2012, the West Virginia Chapter/AIA (along with a $1,000 grant from National AIA awarded $20,000 to deserving students pursuing an education in architecture. $1,500 and $1,000 awards were given to students enrolled in an in-state 4-yearnon Professional Bachelor of Science of Architecture program at Fairmont State University. The balance of $17,500 was provided to four WV resident students, attending an out of state accredited program of Architecture, and was made possible from WV Chapter member donations. There is no accredited program of architecture in West Virginia, therefore our students must attend an out of state school to obtain a professional degree in Architecture, required for licensure as an architect. Since 1986, the WV Chapter/AIA has awarded $193,500 to 91 students pursuing a career in architecture. In 2007, AIA West Virginia established the West Virginia Foundation for Architecture whose mission statement is “IMPROVING QUALITY OF LIFE THROUGH ARCHITECTURE”. The Foundation has a number of goals and administers the AIA West Virginia Scholarship Program.