Infrastructure WV
INFRASTRUCTURE WV is a dynamic association focused on maintaining and developing infrastructure across West Virginia. Our goals are to maximize state and federal resources to address West Virginia’s chronic problem of underfunding critical infrastructure. The lack of investments in this area have contributed to loss of population and poor rank in many infrastructure categories. We will focus on key priorities that affect our state and work on solutions to those priorities by having constant, productive discussions with state and federal agencies to advance infrastructure needs throughout the state. Additionally, we will lobby the West Virginia Legislature and closely monitor and introduce legislation to address the infrastructure funding shortages in the state. Another goal is to ensure fair play and a level playing field for all members by making sure the laws and rules of the state are being followed in all circumstances.

American Council of Engineering Companies of WV
The American Council of Engineering Companies of WV is an organization representing the community of engineering firms in West Virginia. These consulting firms have expertise in a wide range of disciplines including civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, environmental, industrial, mining, metallurgical, chemical, acoustical and agricultural engineering. Our affiliation with the National American Council of Engineering Companies enables ACECWV to be involved with the largest national organization of private engineering firms. Member firms of ACEC range in size from a single registered professional engineer to corporations employing hundreds of professionals. The member firms of ACECWV currently employ over 1,300 engineers and technicians and support personnel offering quality career opportunities to many graduates of the engineering and technical programs of West Virginia’s colleges and universities.

5007 C Victory Blvd, #280
Yorktown, VA 23693
Jeff Wilkerson, Representative
American Public Works Association
Mid-Atlantic Chapter
The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of APWA is the recognized leader in providing public works education, networking, advocacy and stewardship. APWA advances professional excellence and public understanding through education, advocacy and community stewardship. Their stakeholders are diverse individuals, groups and organizations with a public or private interest in public works services. The organization serves citizens, elected representatives, appointed officials, as well as those who are associated with local, state and federal government activities, including consultants and vendors. The services APWA provides includes forums to exchange information; education and training opportunities; enhanced communication through the Chapter newsletter and membership directory; annual meetings and networking opportunities for marketing, contracting, and introducing new technology and equipment.

P.O. Box 710
158 W Main Street
Clarksburg, WV 26301
Visit ASHE Online
Donald (Donny) Williams, PE, PS, President
American Association of Highway
North-Central WV Section
The mission of the American Society of Highway Engineers – North Central WV Section (ASHE) is to provide a forum for members and partners of the highway industry to promote a safe, efficient and sustainable highway system through education, innovation and fellowship. The recognition that the knowledge for such a program could only be consummated by the wholehearted and integrated efforts of all persons associated with the highway industry, led to the formation of the Society, with the intent and determination to assume its responsibility for the development of the rapid growing demands of the highway industry. The many and diverse benefits of a mutual desire among the members to cooperatively approach and solve the common concerns that must be faced has become manifest.
The North Central WV Section typically meets on the third Thursday of the month at various locations. Contact ASHE today to get added to their distribution list for updates and membership information.

200 Sixth Avenue
St. Albans, WV 25177
Roger Kennedy, Representative
WV Chapter of the American Society
of Landscape Architects
The American Society of Landscape Architects represents over 10,000 members in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The West Virginia Chapter shares the same mission set forth nationally- to improve public understanding of the profession and to advance the practice of landscape architecture through education, communication and professional interaction and development. One of the specific goals of the West Virginia Chapter is to express to the public and allied professions the breadth of skills and experience a landscape architect can bring to a project team. The Chapter is also very much involved in community activities and has participated in design charrette which have benefited local nonprofit organizations.

Terry Hollandsworth, President
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating
and Air-Conditioning Engineers
West Virginia Chapter
Mission: To advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world.
Vision: ASHRAE will be the global leader, the foremost source of technical and educational information, and the primary provider of opportunity for professional growth in the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating.
History: ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. The Society and its members focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration and sustainability within the industry. Through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education, ASHRAE shapes tomorrow’s built environment today. ASHRAE was formed as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers by the merger in 1959 of American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHAE) founded in 1894 and The American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE) founded in 1904.
In 2012, as part of a rebranding, ASHRAE began doing business as “ASHRAE” vs. using its full legal name of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. Use of ASHRAE reflects the Society’s worldwide membership and that services will continue evolving globally.
Meetings: Local meetings are presented by WV ASHRAE Premier Chapter regularly held in the Charleston, WV area, with occasional meetings throughout the State.

2114 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, WV 25311
John Crane, P.E., Executive Director
Asphalt Pavement Association of WV
The Asphalt Pavement Association of West Virginia represents producers of asphalt and aggregates, lay down contractors, asphalt cement suppliers, equipment and material suppliers and other firms involved directly and indirectly in the highway construction Industry. The association represents the majority of such firms operating in West Virginia with their combined production accounting for approximately 90 percent of all hot mix asphalt production in the state.
Members of the Association actively support and promote the need for a safe and modern transportation system. We believe that one of the major factors contributing to the health and stability of our state is the maintenance of its highways and infrastructure.
The asphalt industry continually strives to enhance the viability of asphalt material in America and now your next project can be made greener by the use of perpetual pavements; warm mix asphalt and porous asphalt pavements.
We invite you to listen to live audio broadcasts of WVDOH lettings at
Black and Green ….. Sustainable Asphalt, Now and Tomorrow.

300 Summers Street, Suite 820
Charleston, WV 25301
Charlie Burd, Executive Director
Gas and Oil Association of WV
The Gas and Oil Association of WV, Inc. (GOWV), is a non-profit corporation working to promote and protect all aspects of the oil and natural gas industry In West Virginia, including exploration, drilling, production, gathering, processing, interstate transportation, local distribution, marketing and sale of oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs).
The use of natural gas for electric power generation, and the use of oil, natural gas and NGLs as fuel sources and as raw materials in chemical and manufacturing processes.
- Encouraging and projecting a unity of purpose in the industry.
- Educating people about the industry and the benefits it brings to West Virginia and its people.
- Promoting and fostering vocational, technical, and professional educational opportunities for those seeking to work in the industry.
- Informing elected and appointed governmental representatives and key decision-makers of the environmental and economic benefits of using oil, natural gas and NGLs.
- Helping advance and grow the oil and natural gas industry and protecting fair-market prices.
GOWV was born in December 2020 when members of the Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia and the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association voted to combine into one unified trade association.
With the merger of these two great associations, the industry is better positioned now to advocate for public policy that will help grow this vital industry. It also provides for a singularly focused voice when it comes to publicizing our industry’s positive economic and environmental Impact
on this state, region and nation.
Combining the strengths of these two influential groups into one dynamic and powerful organization will bring renewed vitality as we work to advance West Virginia’s economy. The merger also provides a unique opportunity to share best safety practices and exhibit environmental stewardship across many diverse industry sectors.

PO Box 546
Charleston, WV 25322
Aaron Dickerson, President
Jamie Burch, Executive Director
Home Builders Association of West Virginia
Founded in 1959, the West Virginia Home Builders Association represents builders, developers and providers of products and services. The association promotes the home building industry through:
- Fostering business opportunities among members.
- Advocating members’ interests in the legislative and regulatory process.
- Providing member and consumer education.
- Promoting ethical and quality business practices.

121 Cantley Drive
Charleston, WV 25314
Ron Williams, Representative
International Right-of-Way
Mountaineer Chapter
The International Right of Way Association is a professional member organization comprised of global infrastructure real estate practitioners. Since 1934, the IRWA has served professionals who acquire, manage and transfer the land rights needed for building and maintaining energy and transportation infrastructure. IRWA’s nearly 10,000 members hail from over 15 countries around the world. The IRWA is the pre-eminent source of right-of-way education for professional services worldwide.
The mission is to encourage members toward individual professional development, improve service to employers and the public, and make improvements in the body of knowledge related to the fields of appraisal, engineering, law, negotiation, public relations, public service administration, and property management. Any person engaged in the acquisition, management, or disposition of real property or interests therein is eligible for membership.

Society of American Military Engineers
The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) builds leaders and leads collaboration among government and industry to develop multidisciplined solutions to national security infrastructure challenges. Founded in 1920, the Society has a storied history of uniting public and private sector individuals and organizations from across the architecture, engineering, construction, environmental and facility management, cyber security, project planning, contracting and acquisition, and related disciplines in support of national security.
With a National Office in Alexandria, Virginia, and 100 Posts around the world, SAME provides its nearly 28,000 members with extensive opportunities for training, education, and professional development through a robust offering of conferences, workshops, networking events, publications, webinars, and other member-driven programs.
With a membership that includes recent service academy graduates and retired military officers, enlisted personnel and NCOs, project managers, corporate executives, academic leaders, uniformed and public sector professionals and private sector experts, SAME bridges the gaps between critical stakeholders to help secure our nation.
Our mission is to promote and facilitate engineering support for national security by developing and enhancing relationships and competencies among uniformed services, public and private sector engineers, and related professionals.

1624 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, WV 25311
Steve Roberts, President
WV Chamber of Commerce
The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce is proud to be the Voice of Business in West Virginia. As the state’s leading business association, we represent the firms and companies that employ more than half of West Virginia’s private sector work force. Our membership consists of the broadest possible business spectrum – from the state’s leading employers and largest manufacturers, to its smallest and newest entrepreneurs.

P.O. Box 3923
Charleston, WV 25339
Chris Hamilton, President
WV Coal Association
The West Virginia Coal Association (WVCA) was formed in 1915 to promote the general welfare of the coal mining industry and to improve the industry’s service to the state and its citizens. Today, WVCA is comprised of companies that represent about 90% of the state’s annual coal production. The Association also includes a large and active membership of some 200 companies whose business is directly affiliated with the coal industry.
WVCA represents its member companies before the State Legislature and to a wide variety of State and federal regulatory agencies. It also conducts educational seminars, produces and distributes informational material and serves as the industry’s primary contact with media and the public.

2001 Quarrier Street
Charleston, WV 25311
Bill Bissett, President
WV Manufacturers Association
Established in 1915, the West Virginia Manufacturers Association is the only statewide organization which exclusively serves the manufacturing community in West Virginia. The Association is comprised of 190-member companies employing more than 48,000 people in the state, representing both small and large companies. The WVMA offers our members opportunities for educational seminars and networking with other manufacturers throughout the state along with rigorous regulatory and legislative policy advocacy. Our organization also provides our members access to experts in the area of environmental protection, workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, tax, safety and other areas of interest to manufacturers. We strive to create a business climate that is conducive to growing West Virginia’s manufacturing industry. At the same time, we maintain a firm commitment to safety and offer our members a Workers’ Compensation Safety Program that can lead to reductions in workers’ compensation insurance for manufacturers with good safety records. In everything we do, the WVMA listens to the needs of our members and responds accordingly.

2006 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, West Virginia 25311
Traci Nelson, President
WV Trucking Association
A statewide, non-profit association of trucking companies, private fleet operators, industry suppliers, and other firms and individuals interested in the well-being of transportation at the local, state and national level.
The mission of WVTA is to serve and represent the interest of the trucking industry with One United Voice by:
- Promoting safety and security on our highways and among out drivers;
- Advancing the trucking industry’s image;
- Providing educational programs;
- Influencing in a positive manner, state governmental actions;
- Promoting a healthy business environment in our state.

WV American Water Works Association
The West Virginia Section of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) is the local membership of AWWA, a 50,000-mernber international association with membership from water utilities, consultants, manufacturers, contractors and academics. Membership can be on an individual basis or as a company. Water utilities of all sizes maintain active participation.
The AWWA, through its West Virginia Section, is responsible for the advancement of knowledge of design, construction, operation and management of water works to improve water service to the public.

2026 Kanawha Blvd, East
Charleston, WV 25311
Jonathan Adler, Executive Director
WV Association of Counties
The mission of the West Virginia Association of Counties is to achieve unity of purpose among elected county officials including assessors, circuit clerks, county clerks, county commissioners, prosecuting attorneys and sheriffs in order to promote the professionalism, preservation and protection of county government for the benefit of all county citizens they serve.

PO Box 5159
Charleston, WV 25361
Bryan Brown, Representative
WV Business and Industry Council
The West Virginia Business & Industry Council was founded in 1982 by a group of trade association executives interested in expanding the influence of business at the Capitol by working together on common issues. Today, BIG consists of more than 60 West Virginia trade associations and businesses and represents more than 395,000 West Virginia workers across 26 separate industry categories. BIC members are foot soldiers for change whose goal is to enhance the business climate in West Virginia.

2843 East Grafton Road
Fairmont, West Virginia 26554
WV Code Officials Association
The West Virginia Code Officials Association is the professional organization of municipal and county building code officials, inspectors and plans examiners, associate members and nongovernmental entities enforcing the State Building Code in the 67 cities and 8 counties that have adopted it. The WVCOA serves as the West Virginia Chapter of the International Code Council and an ICC Certified Training provider. The WVCOA sponsors four annual training seminars and paper and pencil ICC Certification Tests. These are open to anyone, public or private sector interested in building and construction ICC Certification or training.

2020 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, WV 25311
Susan Economou, Executive Director
West Virginia Municipal League
The West Virginia Municipal League is a statewide, nonprofit, nonpartisan association of cities, towns and villages established in 1968 to assist local governments and advance the interests of the citizens who reside within. The League achieves this directive through legislative advocacy, research, education and other services for municipal elected officials. The membership includes 100% of all 232 municipalities in the state.
The central purpose of the League is to advance the interests and welfare of the people residing in the municipalities of our slate. By cooperating through League, cities benefit from research programs and a united legislative voice that would be impossible to maintain individually.

100 Young Street
Scott Depot, WV 25560
Todd Grinstead, Executive Director
WV Rural Water Association
The West Virginia Rural Water Association (WVRWA) was created in 1985 to provide technical assistance and training to rural water and wastewater systems of West Virginia. Our mission is to assist community owned rural water and wastewater utilities in providing the highest quality of water and wastewater service, by improving knowledge, operational skills and technical expertise of utility system personnel and their governing boards.
WVRWA is comprised of over 550 members representing water/wastewater systems, companies, and individual members who support the association through their membership. WVRWA provides on-site technical assistance to systems through requests and daily visits and provides numerous training sessions throughout the year. WVRWA provides information through its website at www.wvrwa.org that enables the water and wastewater systems in West Virginia to keep up with current demands regarding compliance and regulatory needs.

Melissa Thompson, P.E., M.ASCE, Representative
American Society of Civil Engineers - WV
Founded in 1852, the American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 140,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide and is America’s oldest national engineering society. ASCE’s vision is to position engineers as global leaders building a better quality of life. ASCE is dedicated to the advancement of the individual civil engineer and the advancement of the science and profession of engineering through education. As the leading representative body for civil engineers in the United States, ASCE is recognized globally for its significant contributions to the civil engineering profession.
ASCE’s Sections and Branches allow civil engineers who live and/or work in the same community to network, exchange ideas, build leadership skills and create lifelong professional connections. The WV Section and Branches are continually looking for motivated volunteers. If you are not yet an active member of our Section or a Branch, please contact our local officers for more information. The Society and its volunteers are fully engaged in making this a better world by design.

WVSPS – c/o JulNet Solutions, LLC
1014 6th Avenue
Huntington, WV 25701
WV Society of Professional Surveyors
The West Virginia Society of Professional Surveyors is the only statewide organization exclusively dedicated to the promotion and protection of the surveying profession in West Virginia.
The society sponsors year round educational activities throughout the state, through its eleven chapters, to help surveyors meet mandatory continuing education requirements. This is in addition to the educational activities and the interaction and exchange between vendors, technology developers and surveyors offered at the annual WVSPS convention.

P.O. Box 5262
Charleston, WV 25361
WV Water Environment Association
The West Virginia Water Environment Association, chartered in 1947, is an affiliate of the National Water Environmental Federation. There are currently over 250 members in the state comprised of engineers, regulatory agency personnel, equipment suppliers, managers, and operators of wastewater treatment works.
The major function of the Association is to serve its members and the water quality industry by providing unique, top quality educational and networking opportunities.